Drainage holes in retaining walls.
Add Drainage holes to any walls.
How to fix retaining wall drainage.
Guys this is harder than it looks as even with water the drill has a tendency to want to bind.
This can break a mans hand or arm, thus we recommend you hire a professional.
Jason start by marking the wall where the weep holes will be drilled, Jason decided on 6 inches from the ground.
Jason used his Milwaukee hammer chisel as it spins and vibrates at the same time.
He attached his one-inch carbide drill bit, to allow for the rain water to escape.
Folks, for immediate bids, send pictures to Jason or me.
https://www.StuccoPlastering.com/ Kirk’s website.
https://www.GiordanoPlastering.com/ Jason’s Website.
https://youtu.be/2MOc4eYL6-M Painters, Repair ugly stucco before painting.
https://youtu.be/QCW3a5j9vmw Repair ugly stucco patches after new construction.
https://youtu.be/L7VI_TC9eMY Straw Bale Stucco Construction.