Interior Plaster one coat game changer?
Folks, we are located in Oakland, CA.
Howdy Folks, the basic tools we use and recommend on Amazon’s website.
Live long and plaster hats, shirts, and other cool stuff.
Kirk Giordano Plastering Inc.
For immediate bids, send pictures to Jay or myself at our sites below. Kirk’s website. Jason’s Website.
If you’re not worried about scraping it with your naked skin or cleaning it, by all means, incorporate this simple application into your home, condo, work office, etc.
It is also used as a basecoat in many schools, police stations, and hospitals.
We apply first a basecoat of usually one inch, applying this same Structo-Lite, then usually a lime finish coat.
Why is it used in many government buildings?
Excellenta question; it’s as sound and fireproof as you will find with interior use for a lightweight plaster, as it’s volcanic ash.
Remember, look for a born-on date; it’s best if it is used within the first 6 months of being made, or the set time can be compromised. Apply a stucco worm cement finish or texture. How to tint interior plasters.