CA License #730258

Repair big stucco buckling crack, structural cracking removing then repairing buckling stucco










Repair big stucco buckling crack, structural cracking removing then repairing buckling stucco.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, In this video, we are doing some stucco structural maintenance by repairing this unsightly buckling stucco at the front of this home,

I was asked my opinion of what to do, tear it all off or repair it as best as possible. So, naturally, I said to hire a GC, tear it all off, rebuild the foundation, reconstruct the wood wall, then re-stucco. He said I can’t afford that work. What is another option?
In this video, we show the alternative option.

And that is, what I’m doing, a temporary repair.
The concrete foundation is separated from the stucco wall or substrate.
Which or becoming wider each season because it’s allowing rainwater intrusion.
We, like others, are only as good as what we have to work with.

The fact is what we’re doing can be made to look good for quite a while.
Perhaps even ten or twenty years or more, it is quite possible.
The work depends on the amount of ground movement, not my corrections.

Its repairs like this make my day personally as it requires a little bit of often unused stucco knowledge to repair this kind of structural difference.
It definitely makes the repair I’m doing much more enjoyable.

A more detailed answer is why homes crack often occurs. Oh yes, all homes will move just a hair, especially when it rains, the water lifts the house only a fraction.
This can’t be measured by man’s instruments or seen or recorded in any way. Then when do the dryer conditions return? Settling cracks begin.
Not such a big deal as most older stucco homes all get hairline cracks.
However, if left untreated or cracks not caulked, that can lead to this type of buckling.

Why? Good question; the rainwater continues to enter through the cracks.
This water always swells wood from studs to plywood sheathing; this swelling pushes on the stucco, widening the gap, now add 20 to 30 seasons, and you have a problem.

So keep the cracks caulked to prevent rainwater from entering. Each season, more water enters, not good, so take a bit of time out and caulk those cracks.
Movement or vibrations to stucco or concrete is not good but typical.
Often hairline or large stress cracks are due to settling.

With stucco, the slightest movement and or vibrations cause hairline cracks.
Often this does not affect the integrity of the waterproofing membrane. However, when allowed to get to this stage, it’s either tear into the wall and correct it all or do the best you can to prevent future water intrusion and help it look as decent as possible because it is still in the front of your house.
Remember, any stucco home movement is like Kryptonite to Superman, not good.But completely normal.

I’d bet some of you might be thinking, plant a big bush in the corner, so it doesn’t show.
If you do, at least caulk the crack first.
This way, no more rain waters causes any more damage. Structural extensive cracking on stucco walls, no problemo.

Next, kick back, relax, and enjoy the video!
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Thank you all for watching, and wishing all a great day!

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Kirk & Jason Giordano

Master East Bay stucco and plaster contractors

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