Stucco walls leaking two minute fix.
FYI, we are located in the Alameda Berkeley, CA, area, across the bay from San Fransisco.
Diverter explained. I cut our work into this 2-minute video as we all realize a summary is easier to digest than trying to watch a twelve-hour video.
The causes of water leaking through stucco walls are unfortunate, but correcting early helps.
We often will come in to diagnose and correct these issues.
FYI, I visited a fellow who had water intrusion in his stucco walls for perhaps fifteen to years,
It took me five minutes to point out the leak or problem.
Nothing beats actual experience.
My dad and I often see stucco failures within 10 minutes just by viewing the stucco walls.
Remember, you can’t fix something unless you know why it broke in the first place.
The old question is, can rainwater penetrate stucco?
The answer is, sometimes, rivers of rain are secluded into one spot as a defective or missing roof diverter.
Divertes not installed properly are the main culprit or problem for leaking. If the water is not diverted into the gutter, however, if the area next to the wall under it was waterproofed perfectly in the first place, the rainwater can leak on the wall for hundreds of years without harming the membrane underneath the stucco. For the average company, the workers who install the paper and wire often don’t understand this most important area as the gutter can be in the way, plus and more importantly, some folks don’t understand that the paper has got to be fused to the fascia board with a quality polyurethane caulking.
Below are all the basic tools we use and recommend on Amazon’s website.
Live long and plaster hats, shirts, and other cool stuff.
Kirk Giordano Plastering Inc. Kirk’s Website. Jason’s Website.
Thanks for watching, and have a great day.