Stucco windows wood trim flashing, boring but super important.
Stop leaking stucco walls.
Z metal flashing for window tops.
Paper flashing for windows.
Most of our repairs are due to window flashing that deteriorated, keep them primed and painted every 7 to 10 years and in the long run , that drag of maintenance can and will save you tens of thousands in wood rot and other interior damages.
Kirk Giordano PLastering inc.
Note; when we were done with installing the paper flashing we used Sikaflex polyurethane 1A caulking which is a construction sealant and adhesive to fill both sides of the wood trim.
Aldo note with great benefit, if there was no flashing paper both mitered wood corners would eventually leak like a sieve if caulking were just placed on the exterior mitered tops of the wood.
Folks, for immediate online bids, send pictures to Jason or me. Kirk’s Giordano’s website. Jason Giordano’s Website. Painters, Repair ugly stucco before painting. Repair ugly stucco patches. Straw Bale Stucco Construction. How to apply stucco for weekend warriors.